
I have been planning on publishing a site for a long time, but I finally put aside some time and stuck with it. The design of this site will most likely change frequently until I find something that I like or also if the inspiration hits me. Enjoy and be sure to write me back with some feedback (whether positive or negetive), so I can continue to improve the site. Thanks. Peace.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

New Photos

I just got a chance to post up some new photos from a tight college football game that I went to a few weekends ago. The game was Ohio State versus Northwestern.

I am also using a new photo slideshow app out. The new app is call Picasaand has a little bit of a cleaner look than the windows powertoy app. Plus the old app was giving me some problems with different browsers. Maybe one day I'll get around to transferring all of the photos over to Picasa.
