
I have been planning on publishing a site for a long time, but I finally put aside some time and stuck with it. The design of this site will most likely change frequently until I find something that I like or also if the inspiration hits me. Enjoy and be sure to write me back with some feedback (whether positive or negetive), so I can continue to improve the site. Thanks. Peace.

Friday, January 02, 2004

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well we are finally in a new year. Time to start up those resolutions once again. One of mine is to stay in better shape. I work out once in a while, but I need to become more disciplined and also eat alot better. Time to minimize the trips to Mickey D's and reduce my carbs intake. Another resolution of mine is the leave all of the extra baggage that accumulated from 2003 in the year 2003. The past is the past and there is nothing that we can do about it. It's all in God's hands now. All we can do is just look to the future and try to make that better.

Well I have some new photos from my Christmas vacation that I will be posting, so I'll have to get to that. Later.